transport. If desired the IR head can be fixed in a suitable position using a pair of Velcro strips (not supplied).

CDTV IR controller layout
The CDTV controller has five distinct areas, as follows (see picture):

Cursor pad. This is on the left hand side of the CDTV IR remote.
In ‘pointer’ mode it provides orthoganol pointer movements (note that intermediate 45 degree pointer movements are not supported).
In ‘keypad’ mode the cursor pad provide a shift/unshift lock function (up & down) and an ‘alpha’ map of A-M and N-Z (left & right).

A & B buttons. The A & B buttons are located on the right side of the CDTV IR remote.
In ‘pointer’ mode the A button is mapped as the left mouse button, and B as the right
mouse button.
In ‘keypad’ mode A is return and B is
backspace (or Delete if shift lock is on).

Numeric Pad. This occupies the central left area of the CDTV IR remote. It contains (in our definition) the keys labeled 0 to 9, ‘escape’, ‘enter’ and ‘genlock’ (13 keys in all).
In ‘pointer’ mode these keys return their numeric values and ‘-’, ‘/’ and ‘=’.
In ‘keypad’ mode these buttons return the values as above, and their equivalent Amiga keyboard shifted counterparts where shift lock has been set (eg shift ‘8’ = ‘*’ etc). Where alpha shift lock has been set these keys return a-m or n-z (and their shifted, upper case equivalents) as appropriate.

VCR control keys (FF, REW, PLAY/PAUSE, VOL UP & VOL DOWN). These occupy the
central right lower part of the CDTV IR remote.
In ‘pointer’ mode the directional keys in this group are mapped to the Amiga arrow keys, ‘stop’ is mapped to ‘return’ and ‘play/pause’ to tab .
In ‘keypad’ mode all keys are mapped to special character keys (shifted where appropriate) except that ‘shift play/pause’ whist in either of the alpha maps resets the ‘numeric’ and ‘VCR’ sections of the controller to the unshifted numeric submap.

Special purpose keys. These are located above the VCR keys and have the following functions in all modes:

CD/TV - toggles the xMON output (if fitted) between the two input sources.

Power - pressing & releasing this three times within one second resets the Amiga (as if L_Amiga, R_Amiga + Control had been pressed on a conventional keyboard).

Mouse-Joy slideswitch. Setting this to
‘MOUSE’ puts the EZKey-XS interpreter into ‘keypad’ mode. Setting it to ‘JOY’ puts the EZKey-XS into ‘pointer’ mode.

A summary table of the various key mappings of the CDTV IR remote under different modes is given on the next page.